You don’t need to do market research to find out that every house in your neighborhood has a lawn that needs to be taken care of. Then why don’t you see customers lining up to pay for the lawn mowing services you offer? The reasons why your target audience is...
Have you ever thought of buying that yellow Business for Dummies book on how to scale your interior design firm? No shame; you’re not the first one. Every entrepreneur wishes to uncover the secret formula to overnight business success. The truth is, there isn’t...
Too many business owners feel insecure about not having command of their finances. Dealing with unexpected expenses makes them regret not getting an accountant before things start to feel out of hand. The hard truth is, when it comes to money, the...
As the owner of an interior design business, financial decisions ultimately fall on you. The decision to start using Profit First for your business has probably come through much research and planning on your part, and now the implementation has to begin. It’s...